Welcome! We are so glad you found us!

The Congregational Church of Park Manor, UCC is ministering to the community through “newness,” “change,” and “growth.” We are stepping into a new era by the grace of God. Our prayer is that you will be blessed and strengthened by the power of Jesus and that you will live a life of abundance and fellowship, joy, and liberty.

Under the new leadership of Rev. Jamie D. Hawley, we are stepping out on faith to do what God has called us to do – “creating disciples and making Jesus Christ relevant in our everyday lives.” As a community of believers, we are coming together to declare the goodness and glory of God. Accordingly, we study the Word, practice what we learned, and in the process, we grow together.

May God richly bless you and may the Lord keep you! We hope to see you Sundays at 10:30am for our in-person worship experience or online by clicking HERE


Upcoming Events


We are only a couple of weeks away from our annual Women Fellowship Weekend celebration.  We begin with our prayer breakfast on Saturday, November 11, 2023, from 9:00 am – 12:30pm.  A donation of $40.00 is requested to cover expense.  Women’s Day celebration follows on Sunday November 12, 2023 at 10:30 in the sanctuary.  The speaker will be Rev. Dr. Marilyn Pagan Banks, A Just Harvest.   All women are asked to make $100.00 offering in the enclosed envelope.

We will gather in our beloved church at 7000 S. King Drive to have candid discourse and seek solutions concerning the plight of our children.  It is my fervent hope that the halls will be filled to capacity as we come together to share our concerns.  But more importantly, listen to community stakeholders, as we continue to explore the Maasai Tribe of Kenya and Northern Tanzania greeting of asking: How are the children?  In Chicago, and across the nation, we can definitively agree that “The children are not well.”  Our children are living in fear of being shot and killed while on their way to/from school, some are even shot by stray bullets while in their homes.  Every day, across the United States, there are reports of mass shootings being perpetrated on youths by other youths.  Gun violence is having a profound and traumatic effect on young people.  There is nothing normal about this!   Trauma is described as any experience that causes fundamental threat to one’s physical, emotional, psychological safety and well-being. Trauma usually creates feelings of helplessness, fear, terror, anger, and loss.  Trauma is often managed by going into flight/fight/freeze response mode in order to survive.  Sisters, our children are traumatized!

As a community, we recognize the devastating effect trauma is having on young people.  In many ways it has caused them to behave in violent and self-destructive ways.  It is not enough to depend on politicians and law enforcement to solve this problem, the church must be a voice inf the conversation.  As the body of Christ, it is the church that can provide the emotional and spiritual needs that is necessary to alleviate the fear and anger that is driving this epidemic of violence in our community.  The church must reclaim the children who are spiritually lost if we hope to save our posterity.  Children are important and no child is disposable.  All have value and purpose in God’s eyes.  Jesus called for the children, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not send them away, for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14).  Come join the conversation, as we are led by the Spirit in seeking to heal our children by exploring answers through prayer.  

We have confirmed an impressive panel, including clergy, mental health professionals, community activists, politicians, and members of the community who are interested in exploring honest solutions through candid and open dialogue and prayer.